Writing a letter
This is my friend, Heejeong who's writing a card for me. When was the last time you wrote a letter or card? Me, on Monday a birthday card for my Mom. Since e-mail appeared, we almost abandoned our habit of writing an epistle with a pen on paper and, despite email's efficiency, this has made us more thirsty for human touch.
Another "piece of truth". You're absolutely in right and lately I discovered I'm not anymore used to use pen so I get tired to write after few lines poor me.
i've been writing a lot of christmas cards this week.
joined this christmas card tag. i hope to get quite a bit from other countries. i'm pretty active with the postcard business. i truly love the joy of getting a REAL piece of mail. not those JUNK mails :P
The last letter I wrote was a birthday card to one of my daughters. Touching photo, and quite truthful.
during my college years (donkey years ago) i used to write very long letters to my distant boyfriend cum husband now. with my pitiful pocket money, the stamps had cost me a bomb. ah, those were the years...
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